Singing Projects

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk – World Book Day 2021

4th March 2021 – 10:30-11:30

Book Tickets for your School here

Following the success of the GM Music Hub’s Princess and the Pea project for pupils in Reception and Y1 over the last three years, we are excited to tell you that Tim Power, composer, and Early Years Music Lead for Bury Music Service, has written a fantastic new musical about the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

The GM Hub is delighted that singing in schools is now allowed within classes/bubbles, with appropriate spacing and ventilation, but given the current challenges with larger gatherings, delivery of this project will take a different format from previous years. Instead of the usual in-person CPD session for the teachers of all the classes involved to launch the project, members of the Vocal Vision Group have prepared videos on warm-ups and song-teaching, as well as lots of accompanying resources for further classroom musical activities based around the story. Access to all the resources on YUMU (Charanga) will be given to schools following registration for the project on Eventbrite. At the beginning of January, the vocal and backing tracks will also be sent to schools by WeTransfer, as they are not downloadable on the site.

The songs will then be taught within school over the first half of the Spring term 2021, in preparation for an online performance on 4th March, World Book Day 2021. The hope is that schools will also use the supplementary ideas and resources to engage pupils in further musical activities back in the classroom.

The project culminates in an online performance, which will be delivered via Microsoft Teams. Both the children and their teachers are encouraged to dress up as characters from the story where possible, to add to the excitement of the experience!