Singing Projects

The Princess and the Pea

World Book Day – 5th March 2020

This is an annual vocal project for Reception and Y1 children, written by Sue Nicholls, a specialist music educator in EYFS, based on the traditional tale of “The Princess and the Pea”. Thirty-three classes from across the GM Music Hub are invited to take part and the project begins with a CPD session for all the teachers involved, to introduce the songs, narration and accompanying activities.

After several weeks preparing in schools, the children and staff arrive at the Lighthouse in Salford, all dressed up as characters from the story, eager to take part in one of two interactive performances – one in the morning and the other in the afternoon! Together with a fantastic storyteller, Ian Bamford, and accompanied by instruments representing each of the orchestral families, as well as home-made pea-shakers, a brilliant time to be had by all. Music Services often arrange further local performances so that even more children have the opportunity to experience this project.