This session will focus on how to use cambiata/changing voice approaches to encourage
boys to keep singing during voice change (KS3-4).
We will briefly explore the physiology of boys’ vocal change and how this links with their
developing/changing identities (who am I?) before moving on to explore and try out
practical approaches that can be used in the classroom/rehearsal room. Topics will include:
warmups for changing voices, choosing effective repertoire that your group will love to
sing, classroom/rehearsal room layout, how to structure and run a changing voice
rehearsal, what to do with Y7/unchanged voices. Ian Crawford is Director of Music at The
King’s School in Macclesfield and musical director of Cambiata North West. He has
arranged music for cambiata voices, including The Gospel Train for the Emerging Voices
series (Oxford University Press).
Refreshments from 5pm